Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hypnosis CDs

Grab hold of these CDs, newly released by Nathanael Seers. These CDs can help guide you into the very relaxed state of hypnosis ...anywhere, even in the comfort of your own home.

Nathanael Seers
Is a Clinical hypnotherapist and member of the BSCH, NGH and is also certified by the American Hypnosis Association as a Past Life Therapist. His area of work includes inner healing, past life & clinical hypnosis. http://www.daseti.com/

1 CD - RM 30.00
2 CDs - RM 55.00
Contact us at +603- 77256615 to reserve your copy

Let your higher self guide your inner healing. The Mind and the Body are interconnected. When you are stressed, your body will tense and manifest symptoms such as an increase in heart rate, perspiration and aches in parts of the body. If you are sick, the primary cause is usually associated with an emotion that the unconscious mind process. In this audio selection, I will be guiding you through a series of inner light healing for both your mind and body, releasing stress and enhancing self recovery.

Release the stress and have a peaceful sleep. Have you ever wondered how you could simply just settle down and rest after a hard day’s work? Guided Relaxation is a soothing process to assist in letting go of all the unnecessary worries of the day. Lie down and simply loosen all the tense muscles in the body. Releasing, relaxing and assuring a good night’s sleep. 

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